The Protestant Reformation was the largest gospel revival in the history of the church. This reform was brought about by a return to the sacred Scriptures and a rediscovery of the gospel. The whole enterprise was a divine work wrought by the Spirit of God upon the hearts and minds of men. It was a movement of doctrinal and spiritual reform and purification, whereby faithful servants of God sought to return to the pure and unadulterated gospel of Jesus Christ, untainted by the corruptions and traditions of men. Led by brave souls like Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, William Tyndale, John Calvin, John Knox, and others, it challenged the authority of Rome and restored the authority of Scripture as the sole rule of faith and practice. The Reformation sought to dismantle corrupted practices in the church and restore the true worship of God in simplicity and truth. It was a call to repentance, a revival in the true gospel, and a restoration of the church to its biblical foundations, wherein Christ alone is exalted and His Word proclaimed without hindrance.