Legacy of the Reformation
The legacy of the Protestant Reformation stands as a beacon of light amid the darkness of error and superstition. Through the grace of God, this great movement restored the soundness of doctrine and the purity of worship, casting aside the chains of tainted tradition and restoring the authority of sacred Scripture. For more, see Reform.
The reformers, guided by the Spirit of truth, lifted high the banner of Christ and Him crucified. With undying devotion, they proclaimed justification by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, to the glory of God alone. They also observed that while justification is by faith alone, justification is never alone. That punctiliar declaration is inseparably followed by a progressive striving of the Spirit known as sanctification. On the authority of Scripture, they restored the sovereignty of God over His church. Moreover, they were champions at recovering the written voice of God in the common tongue, the primacy of preaching, the ordinances, church discipline, the priesthood of all believers, and gospel missions. For more, see Theology.
Their fervent zeal ignited a flame that spread across lands and seas, kindling hearts with the love of God and a passion for His Word. The Reformation's enduring legacy has shaped the course of history, inspiring generations to seek the truth, to worship God in spirit and in truth, and to walk in obedience to His divine will. For more, see The Church.
The Reformation’s legacy extends beyond the sphere of the church. Through her, as God intended, the world is affected. She is the true light bearer in the darkness. She also radiates the heat of Christ’s love and righteousness in cold kingdoms of unrighteousness. Wherever the church shines the light of Christ, truth, beauty, and joy radiate. The legacy of learning, flourishing families, responsible economics, orderly and peaceful self-government, delightfully stimulating art, music, and literature have followed. For more, see World Impact.
Table of Contents
This list contains a survey of areas to explore the legacy of the Reformation.