
The women of the Reformation were transformed by the gospel and were used by God in numerous ways to further the work and impact of the Reformation. As faithful servants, the women of the Reformation played a significant role in contributing to reform wherever God had placed them. Each woman was used by God uniquely in their roles as wives, mothers, and relatives—even some in their positions as royalty. As we learn about their lives, we see how they served and contributed in numerous ways. If they were married, they loved their husbands and children. They taught their children knowing they were raising the next generation of husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, politicians, and theologians. They managed their homes, built up His church, sacrificially served the saints, were hospitable, cared for the sick and the poor, protected reformers, and sheltered refugees and orphans. Some strove to learn and understand the Scriptures and theology and even discussed and corresponded with reformers. Others used their education and position of power to influence and protect reformers. The women of the Reformation have left us a legacy of lives fully devoted to God and His church.

I have been tremendously blessed to work with a few gifted young ladies in our church, who show an interest in learning from the women of the Reformation. These young ladies also exhibit a great desire to serve the church. I’ve asked some of them to write an essay on a woman who made significant contributions to the work of Reformation. In these essays you will meet and learn about these women and their devotion to God and His word. You will see how they practically contributed to the Church and brought glory to God through their lives and even death. Our hope is that this resource will inspire you to read and learn more about how God transformed these different women and used them to impact the Reformation and through it, the world. We also hope that you too will be encouraged to follow in their steps of devotion, sacrifice, and service to God and the building up His church. May we be good stewards of this history, and may the Lord bless the fruit or our work as we live out our roles as Christian wives, mothers, and teachers. May we faithfully serve our families and God’s church in whatever roles God has placed us. I trust that you will be blessed, edified, and encouraged as you read their essays.

Reformers Next: Anne of Bohemia