Reformation Links & Sites
Monergism is a free, comprehensive online theological library comprised of Reformed Christian resources designed to bring glory to Jesus Christ alone.
Reformed Theology and Apologetics – Connecting Christians to the Christ of Scripture
This site offers a healthy listing of articles, links, and book recommendations. It belongs to the family of sites led by C. Matthew McMahon and Scott Bushey, including A Puritans Mind, Puritan Board, Puritan Publications, Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics (CRTA), and Semper Reformanda. The user interface is a little cumbersome and a bit dated. The content on the site is generally good, though we are not in full agreement with all the views it promotes.
Sola Media
Sola Media—through Core Christianity, White Horse Inn, Modern Reformation, and Theo Global—endeavors to faithfully proclaim the truth of God’s word all over the world in accessible and meaningful formats. We serve as a resource for churches and individuals, equipping them to proclaim truth.
The Reformation Society
This site offers a wealth of Reformation history, short video and audio lectures, slides, and articles. Some of the site is a bit dated, but still useful. Dr. Hammond has a real heart for stewarding this precious history.
The Reformed Reader - Committed to Historic Baptist Beliefs
The Reformed Reader is committed to the historic Baptist and Reformed faith. Learn and research Baptist history, doctrine, theology and biographies.
This is a very basic site committed to the doctrines of grace. It hosts a number of links to reformed and other Christian sites. It also hosts works by Thomas Watson.
Reformed Resources
This is a site from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. It serves primarily as a store purposed to equip churches with reformed and evangelical resources.
Genevan Institute for Reformed Studies
The Genevan Institute for Reformed Studies was founded in September 1993 to continue that practice in our own period of history. It started as a weekly class hosted by a local church in Pinellas County, Florida. Our desire is to apply God’s word to our own lives and to the world around us. The Institute’s goal is to reform (reshape) our beliefs and lives to fit the mold our Creator has given us in his written word.
Post-Reformation Digital Library
The Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL) is a select database that organizes the vast array of publicly available digital sources on the development of theology and philosophy during the early modern era (late 15th-18th c.). The PRDL spans collections from major research libraries, independent scholarly initiatives, and corporate documentation projects.
Reformation 21
reformation21 offers a Reformed perspective on current issues, grounding readers in the Word of God as proclaimed through the centuries.
Reformation Pratum
Reformation Pratum 2013: Sola was the first in what we hope will be a long line of conferences that have a real impact on the lives of believers, grounding them ever more in their living, historical faith. We are continuing this year with a focus on Pilgrim’s Progress. Our hope is to come together in fellowship with other Bible-believing Churches and believers in the area to be equipped for His good purposes.
Semper Reformanda | Reformed Theology at Semper Reformanda
"And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force," (Matt. 11:12). Our modus operandi at Semper Reformanda is to faithfully endeavor to reform the Church of Christ, according to the Holy Word of God. In this age ...
Tyndale's Ploughboy
The aim of this web site is to encourage people to become students of the Word of God. Developed by Dr. Herbert Samworth.